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Over 3 million active .Online domains and counting…

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The Most Personal Domain Name

Personalise your blog, business or website and Express yourself! with a .ME domain name.
.me logo
Registration Price
$36 .75/yr
Renewal Price
$36 .75/yr
Transfer Price
$33 .75/yr

What is a .ME domain?

The .me domain is an extension of oneself, a beacon of self-expression and individualism. .me carries a personal meaning in multiple languages, helping people from all over the world build their personal brands online.

The .me domain extension is actually a Country-code top-level domain for Montenegro, similar to a .au (Australia) or a .uk (United Kingdom). Montenegro is a small country in Southeastern Europe on the Adriatic Sea, with little more than 620,000 people.

Why choose a .ME domain name?

  • .me provides the ultimate personalisation to a website address, branding it to an individual.
  • .me is a search-friendly, trustworthy, and spam-free domain, seen as global and safe to register.
  • .me directly appeals to your customers by creating a call to action out of your brand’s name.

Who can register a .ME domain name?

Anyone can register a .me domain name. Search for your ideal domain name and start building your online presence today.

ID Protection
ID Protection can be enabled on this domain name
No Eligibility Criteria
There is no eligibility criteria required for this domain name