Australia's New
Domain Name
What will .au change for you?
- Trusted By Aussies
- Accessible & Reliable
- Verified For Security
Make it .au!
Make it Memorable

Make it Easy

Make it Australian

Frequently Asked Questions
.au direct is an exciting innovation for Australia’s Internet domain that will complement the existing range of Australian domains. .au direct will deliver a wider choice of available names in the Australian domains, allowing users to register shorter, more memorable online names and provide names that are easier to type and display on mobile devices.
Anyone with a local connection to Australia, including businesses, associations and individuals, can register a .au direct name through an auDA accredited registrar.
Unlike existing Australian namespaces such as and, which have specific allocation criteria, no allocation criteria determine which names an eligible person can register in the .au direct namespace.
If you have an Australian presence, you can simply register a name of your choosing through an auDA accredited registrar, subject to auDA’s licensing rules and the Priority Allocation Process. The name will not need to match your name or be the name of an existing service, good, event, activity or premises that you provide.
No. Your existing name in the .au domain will continue to operate as it does today, provided you keep your registration up-to-date.
With the Priority Status application period ending on September 21st, 2022 all previously reserved .au direct names that were not applied for during the priority allocation period by existing .au domain holders will be released to the public for registration at 8:00 AM AEDT on October 4th, 2022.