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information termsandconditions scaled

VentraIP Acceptable Use Policy

Version 4.2

Last Updated: 20/08/2024

1. Definitions

1.1. “CloudLinux” means server-side software that monitors resources to ensure operation within set limits.

1.2. “Customer” means the person or entity who ordered services provided by VentraIP Australia.

1.3. “Customer Service” means the relationship between VentraIP Australia staff and the Customer, with the purpose of assisting the Customer with a question they have asked.

1.4. “eTicket” refers to a secure electronic message sent by the Customer to VentraIP Australia via VIPcontrol for assistance or for any questions they may have with any Service(s).

1.5. “Legacy Service” or “Legacy Service(s)” means any Economy, Business, WHM Multi or other Service added from time-to-time that is not currently offered for purchase by new and/or existing Customers through any of VentraIP Australia’s Service procurement channels.

1.6. “Server Management Jobs” refers to an agreed and assigned configuration task completed by VentraIP Australia technical support team members. These can include, and are not limited to, custom software installations, MySQL configuration, firewall rule configuration, hardware firewall geo-blocking, configuring CloudLinux limits, modifying PHP extensions or installing, configuring or removing Apache modules.

1.7. “Shared cPanel web hosting” means any service that resides on a cPanel web hosting server with multiple servicing multiple customers. This includes but is not limited to SELECT hosting, Business hosting, WordPress Hosting, Custom Hosting and Reseller Hosting.

1.8. “Service”, “Service(s)” or “Services” means any product(s) or service(s) the Customer has signed up to use. This can include, but is not limited to, any Legacy Services, the provisioning of space on one of our servers and a connection to and from the internet for web, email hosting and/or FTP services to function at the level specified in the chosen service level, domain name registration or transfer or renewal, SSL, Self Managed VPS, and Fully Managed VPS services. These product(s) and service(s) are identified in full within the “sign up” and “service provision” emails VentraIP Australia has sent after the Customer requests the service. The specific details of the Services can be found by logging in to VIPcontrol or on our website. The specific details of any Legacy Services can be found by logging in to VIPcontrol.

1.9. “VentraIP”, “VentraIP Australia”, “VIP”, “Company” or “Business” means Nexigen Digital Pty Ltd trading as VentraIP and its Related Body Corporate.

1.10. “VIPcontrol” refers to VentraIP Australia’s customer account, billing and management portal, available online at

1.11. “We”, “our” or “us” refers to Nexigen Digital Pty Ltd trading as VentraIP (ACN 137 543 018).

1.12. “You” or “your” refers to the person or entity who ordered services provided by VentraIP Australia.

2. Acceptance

2.1. The Customer signified acceptance of this Acceptable Use Policy, as well as our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Customer Service Policy and any applicable Registrant Agreement, when they submitted their order to VentraIP for Services, and that order was accepted.

2.2. The Customer acknowledges that they are solely responsible for ensuring that all Service(s) are in full compliance with this policy, and that they are solely responsible for the files and applications that have been uploaded and executed.

3. Unacceptable Content and Material

3.1. The Customer may not publish, transmit, distribute or store any content or material on VentraIP’s servers or network that VentraIP believes:

3.1.1. Constitutes child pornography;

3.1.2. Is excessively violent or incites, threatens or implies violence;

3.1.3. Contains harassing content or hate speech;

3.1.4. Is unfair or deceptive under any relevant Fair Trading or Consumer Affairs act in your state;

3.1.5. Is defamatory or violates a person’s privacy;

3.1.6. Creates a risk to a person’s safety, health or security;

3.1.7. Compromises national security or interferes with an investigation by any law enforcement agency;

3.1.8. Improperly exposes trade secrets or any other confidential or proprietary information of another person or business;

3.1.9. Is intended to assist others in defeating technical copyright protection, which includes illegal file sharing and torrents;

3.1.10. Clearly infringes on another person or businesses trade mark, patent or property;

3.1.11. Promotes illegal drugs or violates import or export laws;

3.1.12. Relates to illegal gambling or firearms trafficking;

3.1.13. Is otherwise illegal or solicits conduct that is illegal under laws applicable to the Customer or to VentraIP;

3.1.14. Is otherwise malicious, fraudulent, or may result in retaliation against VentraIP by offended viewers.

4. Prohibited Use

4.1. Shared cPanel web hosting Services may not be used for the following purposes:

4.1.1. For storage of backup archives nor any data which is not directly related to and accessible through the website itself.

4.2. Services, including but not limited to shared cPanel web hosting Services, VIPsites website builder, Dedicated Email Hosting Services, Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and Fully Managed VPS, may not be used for any of the following activities:

4.2.1. IRC scripts or bots;

4.2.2. Proxy scripts or anonymous browsing utilities;

4.2.3. Image or file hosting scripts (similar to Photobucket, Rapidshare, etc);

4.2.4. IP scanners;

4.2.5. Pirated software or “warez” sites;

4.2.6. Banner advertisement services;

4.2.7. Lotteries, banking or investment sites (such as Pyramid or Ponzi schemes);

4.2.8. Hacker focussed sites, archives or programs;

4.2.9. Sale of any controlled substance without having the appropriate permits;

4.2.10. Sites promoting illegal activities;

4.2.11. Any game servers (such as Counter Strike, Half Life, etc);

4.2.12. Any VoIP service primarily associated with game server communities (such as TeamSpeak);

4.2.13. Any other purpose that VentraIP have deemed unacceptable.


4.3. Fully Managed VPS Services are limited to 10 Server Management Jobs per calendar month. Unless explicitly referenced in VIPcontrol or our website, any and all other VPS Services do not include complimentary Server Management Jobs. Customer indemnifies VentraIP for any and all changes made as part of a Server Management Job.


5. Security

5.1. The Customer acknowledges that they are solely responsible for what is hosted from and stored in the Service and/or Legacy Service.

5.2. The Customer agrees to keep all PHP and CGI scripts up to date with the latest release or stable versions as directed by the publisher or developer. Failure to do this may result in security vulnerabilities leading to your Service being compromised, defaced or destroyed.

5.3. The Customer warrants that their Service usernames and passwords will be kept in a safe and secure location at all times, and that they will not use dictionary words or consecutive strings as a password.

5.4. The Customer agrees to keep all file and folder permissions set correctly. If you are unsure of what permissions should be set, please login to VIPcontrol and use the Permission Fixer.

5.5. Customers with VPS and/or Fully Managed VPS Services are required to:

5.5.1. Ensure the VPS and/or Fully Managed VPS is secured as soon the Service has been provisioned by VentraIP;

5.5.2. Install firewall software (we recommend CSF);

5.5.3. Perform security audits and updates of system software on a regular basis;

5.5.4. Change the root password on a regular basis;

5.5.5. Perform any other maintenance that is required on the VPS and/or Fully Managed VPS Service on a regular basis.

6. Excessive Resource Usage

6.1. CloudLinux CPU core, RAM allocations, I/O usage, Processes and inodes count limits apply to all shared cPanel web hosting Services, including Legacy Services. Any Service which exceeds these limits will automatically display a “503 Service Temporarily Unavailable” message to all visitors until the resource usage falls below the assigned limits. Information on the limits assigned to a particular Service can be found on the VentraIP website or by logging into VIPcontrol

6.2. For all shared cPanel web hosting services and VIPsites websites, the customer may not:

6.2.1. Perform any task which unreasonably consumes server resources leading to degradation of the shared hosting server environment for other customers;

6.2.2. Consistently utilise the resource allocations as set within CloudLinux to a level at or near to complete utilisation for any singular resource type;

6.2.3. Perform any task which generates excessive IO load;

6.2.4. Consume large amounts of system memory;

6.2.5. Consume more than the allocated inode limit assigned to the Service, where 1 file equals 1 inode;

6.2.6. Execute a script which takes longer than 180 seconds to complete;

6.2.7. Operate a script which does not close MySQL connections upon completion;

6.2.8. Run any server-side or stand-alone processes or daemons;

6.2.9. Run cron entries with intervals less than 15 minutes;

6.2.10. Use PHP includes that call the full URL instead of a local file (eg. include( instead of using include(“file.php”));


6.3. For all VPS Services, including and not limited to Self-Managed or Fully Managed VPS Services, the Customer:

6.3.1. May not use more than 75% total utilisation of all available vCPU cores for more than 300 seconds;

6.3.2. May not have a sustained read or write speed of more than 1,000Kb/s over a 300 second period;
May not have a sustained network throughput (in or out) of more than 10Mbit/s over 300 seconds;

6.3.3. Should ensure that they have sufficient physical memory to run all applications and does not continuously use swap space, which causes high IO consumption.


6.4. Any emails older than 30 days that are stored within the ‘Trash’ or ‘Spam’ folder on any Service may be permanently deleted automatically.

6.5. VentraIP reserves the right to suspend any Service(s) utilising excessive network resources, and reserves the right to charge excessive usage fees for excessive usage. VentraIP may make reasonable attempts to notify the Customer at the time of suspension, however, notification is not guaranteed and the Customer should ensure they are compliant with all policies at all times.

6.6. Exemptions to elements of our Excessive Resource Usage policy may be granted on a case-per-case basis in consultation with our technical operations team. For further information, or to request exemption to specific elements, please contact our technical support team.

7. Backups

7.1. The Customer warrants they will maintain their own local or off-site backup of their Service data at all times.

7.2. As per the Terms of Service, VentraIP will not be held liable for data loss under any circumstances and it is the Customer’s sole responsibility to ensure that they have a backup of all data.

7.3. For all VPS and/or Fully Managed VPS Services, the Customer acknowledges that it is their sole responsibility to ensure that the backup space and/or solution has been correctly configured and formatted, and that backups are actively being taken, even if VentraIP staff completed the initial setup and configuration of the VPS and/or Fully Managed VPS Service.


8. Spam and Bulk Email

8.1. The Customer warrants that they will not knowingly use the Service for sending any unsolicited email or any unsolicited bulk email (commonly known as spam).

8.2. The Customer may not use any purchased email list for individual or bulk email sending.

8.3. VentraIP assigns a limit to outbound emails per domain, per hour on all Service(s). Any Customer who attempts to send more than the allowed and allocated amount will receive an undeliverable message for up to one (1) hour after the limit has been reached. All email over the limit will be discarded. The limits that have been assigned to a Service can be found on the VentraIP website or by logging into VIPcontrol.

8.4. VentraIP reserves the right to remove any domain from its outbound mail filtering cluster for any customers on SELF-MANAGED VPS services with the ‘Complete Security Suite’ addon that has been detected abusing the service.

8.5. The Customer agrees that all mailing list applications, including but not limited to Mailman, will have no more than 4,000 individual email addresses per list per domain.

8.6. The Customer warrants that all mailing lists used are “opt-in” by the recipient, and all recipients in the list have consented to being on the list.

8.7. The Customer warrants that all commercial emails sent contain an appropriate mechanism for the recipient to “opt-out” of the list.

8.8. The Customer warrants that all email sent, either individually or bulk, complies with the Australian Spam Act 2003, the United States CAN-SPAM Act 2003 and any other relevant Spam-related legislation that may be created or amended from time to time.

9. Non-compliance and Remedy

9.1. Any Services that are found to be in breach of this policy but have not caused any known inconvenience to other Customers will result in an email notification being sent to the Customer asking for changes to be made in order to comply with this policy. The Customer is required to acknowledge this email and advise VentraIP what actions have been taken to remedy the breach. Failure to comply may result in the Services being suspended without additional warning.

9.2. Any Service(s) that are found to be in breach of this policy that have caused issues and/or degradation of service for other Customers will result in immediate suspension followed by an email notification requesting changes be made in order to comply with this policy. The Service(s) will only be unsuspended once the Customer has acknowledged the breach and agreed to remedy the breach.

9.3. Any Service(s) that are found to be in breach of this policy and have recorded a prior breach within three (3) months of the new breach will result in immediate suspension followed by an email notification requesting changes be made in order to comply with this policy. The Service(s) will only be unsuspended once the Customer has acknowledged the breach and agreed to remedy the breach, and a reactivation fee has been paid in full.

9.4. Any Service(s) that are found to be in breach of this policy and have recorded two (2) prior breaches within three (3) months of the new breach will result in immediate suspension followed by an email notification advising that the Service(s) must be moved to another provider immediately. VentraIP will supply the Customer with a backup archive of their files if available, and termination of the service and all backup data will occur within seven (7) days. If the Customer does not respond to this notice, the Service(s) may be terminated without further notification.

9.5. Suspension notification emails (as detailed in 9.1 to 9.4) will be sent to the nominated account holder email address, and the Customer warrants that, in line with the Terms of Service, this address will be kept current and up to date. We recommend using an externally hosted email address to ensure continued delivery of important service information and notifications.

9.6. VentraIP may, from time to time, use alternate and/or additional notification methods to communicate with the Customer.

9.7. The Customer will be solely liable for any fees or charges that are paid by VentraIP to third party providers for the unblocking of any restrictions they have placed due to Service(s) operated by the Customer breaching this policy.

9.8. As per the Terms of Service, the Customer will not be entitled to a refund if any of VentraIP’s Terms, Policies and Agreements have been breached.

9.9. The Customer has read this far and is eligible for a discount for reading the Acceptable Use Policy. Please use the coupon smartcustomer when placing your order which will give you ten percent off your first invoice for any VentraIP Australia product, for any billing period. This coupon can only be used once per customer.

10. Changes

10.1. VentraIP may amend our Acceptable Use Policy at any time. Changes to this agreement will become effective upon their publication to our website.

10.2. Continued use of the Service(s) constitutes acceptance of the amended terms. If you do not wish to accept the amended terms, you may request cancellation of your Services) in-line with our cancellation policy found within our Terms of Service.

If you have any questions about this agreement please contact our Customer Care team via email at