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Email hosting billing update and a special offer

November 25, 2015 | Written by Angelo Giuffrida | 3 min read
Email hosting billing update and a special offer
November 25, 2015 | Written by Angelo Giuffrida | 3 min read

Earlier this year, we launched our new email hosting service and billing update that many customers have found a handy tool when they rely on email to operate their business.

Our email hosting service offers a full suite of useful features such as:

  • AtMail 7 premium webmail interface
  • Up to 30GB of cloud storage space per account
  • No monthly bandwidth restrictions
  • Secure access to IMAP, POP3 and SMTP
  • Complete spam and virus filtering, powered by SpamExperts
  • ActiveSync™ mobile push for contacts, calendars and tasks
  • Multiple fully redundant MX servers guarantee you never miss a message
  • CardDAV, vCard, CalDAV and WebDAV access
  • Ability to use storage space as cloud file storage that you can access via the AtMail webmail client
  • Domain-wide administration that allows IT administrators to manage services directly

All of these features are available on our email hosting service starting at just $2.95 per month per mailbox, with a 45-day money-back guarantee. As a bonus, sign up for a new email hosting service, and until 31 December 2015, you can take 25% off the first invoice by using coupon code MAIL25 when placing your order online.

Why use email hosting?

Even though your web hosting service may include basic email services as part of the package, it’s similar to having internet access on your mobile phone.

When you purchase a mobile phone, it’s generally for the primary purpose of talking to your customers and colleagues. Having a small amount of internet data is useful for checking emails and browsing social media, but most businesses would not rely on that as their primary internet service. Instead, they would have a separate broadband DSL or cable service available at their home or office for that purpose!

If your business depends on email to operate day-to-day, having your email hosted separately to your website makes perfect sense. By having your email hosted separately, you ensure that your email is still available when your website is unavailable for any reason while also avoiding costly issues of shared web hosting servers being put on spam blacklists that prevent your emails from being delivered to their recipients.

Plus, the features available on an email hosting service (see above) far outweigh those available to bundled web hosting and email services.

More billing options? You got it!

Since we launched our email hosting service, our customers have asked for longer billing periods. We’ve listened to your feedback, and from today, you can now purchase new email hosting services with billing options of monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.

Or, if you have an existing email hosting service with us, you can contact the Billing department via eTicket and kindly ask them to update your billing cycle, which will apply from your next renewal date.

Free email migration from your existing provider

If you are interested in using our email hosting service, we can migrate your existing email data from your existing provider to your new email hosting service for free and at a time that suits you.

To take advantage of this free service, sign up for your new email hosting service and submit a new eTicket to the Support department requesting email migration. Our team will need to know some details about your existing email service, such as server IP address, username and passwords of email accounts, and when you would like it to occur.

You can begin using your new email hosting service before or after the migration depending on whether you need access to existing emails while the migration takes place.

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