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Reset your cPanel password

Resetting from VIPcontrol

In VIPcontrol you may use the Overview section to retrieve or reset your cPanel password:

  1. Log in to VIPcontrol.
  2. Click the My Services link on the top → Hosting from the tabs underneath.
  3. Select the Manage button for the hosting service that you need to alter
  4. Scroll down to the area in the image below and you will be able to update your password.
    • By default, your password will be hidden. To reveal your password, click on the eyeball icon to the right of the “Password” field.

Resetting inside cPanel (not recommended)

Using the cPanel Quick Login you can use VIPcontrol to pass you straight through to cPanel where you can update your password:

  1. Log in to VIPcontrol.
  2. Click the My Services link on the top → Hosting from the tabs underneath.
  3. Click the cPanel button for the service that you need to update the password for.
  4. Once in cPanel go to the Password and Security section to update your password.

NOTE: changing your password from inside cPanel will not update the password in your Service Details (VIPcontrol)

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