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Getting Started with WHM – Step 1: Logging in

This is part of a multi-step guide to get started with your WHM account on Reseller Shared hosting or on a VPS service that includes cPanel/WHM.

These guides will cover the initial configuration and setup to get you ready to create cPanel accounts. Below you can find links to each other section:

Step 2: Basic Navigation and Initial Configuration

Step 3: Creating new account packages

Step 4: Creating new cPanel accounts

In this section, we will cover how to login from a Shared Hosting Reseller account or VPS hosting service that includes cPanel/WHM.

Logging in to WHM – Shared Hosting Reseller Services

The fastest and easiest way to login to WHM via VIPcontrol, is by using the Express Service Manager.

  1. Login to VIPcontrol
  2. On the Dashboard page, click cPanel Hosting under Express Service Manager
  3. Click the WHM button next to your service

You can alternatively login via the My Services section of the control panel. The steps are.

  1. Login to VIPcontrol
  2. Click the My Services option at the top of the page
  3. Click cPanel Hosting
  4. Click WHM next to the service

If you want to login directly to WHM, you can navigate to https://<server hostname here>:2087 . Then login using the same login details for the cPanel account that matches the primary domain name of your Reseller Hosting Service.

Logging in to WHM – VPS Services

(Self-Managed with cPanel and Fully-Managed ONLY)

While a button is displayed in VIPcontrol within VIPcontrol > My Services > VPS much like managing Reseller Shared hosting there are some specific configurations along with an SSL Certificate to be applied on your server for this to work.

  • For Fully-Managed this button will not be operational immediately after purchase while we set those required things up.
  • For Self-Managed servers we can make the required changes under a Server Management Job.

As an alternative, you can retrieve the WHM login URL from your product activation email for the server. It will be the server IP address followed by “:2087”. Just paste this into a browser of choice and login using your credentials.

If you cannot find your welcome email just pop an eTicket through to Technical Support and they will promptly re-send this information out.

To retrieve your credentials for the server login to VIPcontrol and navigate to (Self Managed VPS Only):

VIPcontrol > My Services > VPS > Manage

You will be able to view the login details by clicking the eye icon.

SM VPS - FInd Login Details

Next we’ll delve into navigating around and customization of your WHM account – Click here to go to the next part!

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